Patched module is now able to detect and attach to BMC:
ipmi0: <IPMI System Interface> on isa0
ipmi0: BT mode found at io 0xe4 alignment 0x1 on isa
ipmi0: IPMI device rev. 1, firmware rev. 6.48, version 2.0, device support mask 0xaf
ipmi0: Number of channels 0
ipmi0: Attached watchdog
ipmi0: Establishing power cycle handler
ipmitools also works:
# ipmitool channel info
Channel 0xf info:
Channel Medium Type : System Interface
Channel Protocol Type : BT-15
Session Support : session-less
Active Session Count : 0
Protocol Vendor ID : 7154
Handle 0x0037, DMI type 38, 18 bytes
IPMI Device Information
Interface Type: BT (Block Transfer)
Specification Version: 2.0
I2C Slave Address: 0x10
NV Storage Device: Not Present
Base Address: 0x00000000000000E4 (I/O)
Register Spacing: Successive Byte Boundaries